Friday, September 17, 2010

My Grandma

I'm taking a tangent from my traditional posts to share the beauty of my Grandma. 
I've spent the last few weeks away from my computer and drawing desk to help my mom care for my sick Grandma who passed away last Wednesday, September 8th (just several months before her 90th birthday).
Catherine Marko was a simple lady who lived in a simple house and had simple things.
She was a funny woman that made everyone laugh with her offbeat sense of humor.
She always reminded me of Lucy from I Love Lucy.
She and my Grandpa lived in the sailboat shuttered house on Arms Avenue (complete with milk door and laundry shoot) for decades. It wasn't until about 15 years ago that they decided to downsize into a small single-story condo.

Gram's move brought her steps away from my great aunt, Auntie Margie, her sister and best friend. My grandpa passed away 6 years ago, but Gram still had a lot of life left in her.
Her Catholic faith, love for Bingo, joy in handing out candy to less fortunate folks, passion for daily dairy writing and unconditional love for her family kept Kay young at heart. 


Gram's Timex wristwatch stopped working at the end of July. She tried replacing the battery several times, but the thing just wouldn't work.  
She never wanted to bother anyone, but she started complaining more about aches and pains as the end of summer drew near.  
August 25th's page in her dairy said one sentence--don't feel so well today-- while the other pages were filled with handwriting. Later that afternoon, Gram called an ambulance to pick her up because she had excruciating pain in her stomach.
She greeted the EMTs at her side door. 
The doctors found cancer on one of her lungs and several on her liver. We knew that this is how she would die.
Gram spent the last days of her life in one of the sweetest and most nurturing places at Hospice of the Western Reserve on the shore of Lake Erie where her family and a staff of angels took care of her until she passed.  
I'll always treasure sharing the last days of my Gram's life with her and my mom. She was and will continue to be a blessing to us all. I love you, Gram!

A toute a l'heure (see you soon), 


1 comment:

  1. This is long overdue, but I am just now reading this. Precious, precious post!!! Your Gram left this earth a happy woman- knowing she left behind such a loving granddaughter. I'm so thankful to know you!!! xoxo


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